Saturday, July 23, 2011

Product Demo Review: Phonak CROS

Since this was my first exposure to this technology, I'm going to do a little recap information in addition to my actual demo review.

A little bit of information about the theory behind Cros hearing aids.

There are 3 kinds of Cros Aids:

1. Wired CROS -- hard wire from transmitter microphone to hearing aid on other ear

2. Transcranial CROS -- This is only possible in people with one entirely dead ear

3. Wireless CROS - Use of wireless frequency to send sound from transmitter microphone to hearing aid

There are currently 2 manufacturers producing Cros aids and transmitters, that I could identify. For my source, click below:

I tested the Phonak model... so the rest of my demo review will be off of Phonak's CROS. For more info from Phonak click here:

Most of my hearing aids have been Phonak models. The first thing that was pointed out to me was that my current Perseo model was not compatible. So, in order for me to take advantage of this technology I would have to get a new aid AND the transmitter.

Anyone familiar with digital hearing aids will not be shocked that the sticker price for the aid is several thousand dollars, and the transmitter is about half of that.

The Phonak rep was upfront about the battery life. Currently, I can get 10-14 days out of my batteries depending on whether I am sleeping with them in or having them out for extended periods of time. Both the transmitter mic and the aid use batteries, and their average battery life for each is 3-4 days. An 8 pack of hearing aid batteries averages about $10 so $260 per year (average of 1 battery every 2 weeks x 52 weeks) will now be $1,040 (2 batteries per week x 52 weeks) which is a quadruple increase in battery cost.

Based on my demo fit experience... it is worth the cost, both in aid and in battery cost. I had the baseline with the hearing on and the transmitter off. When the transmitter is turned on, there's a signal beep to let you know. Sound localization isn't at all trustworthy on just 20 minutes exposure. However.. sound on my left side where I am 100% deaf, was picked up and sounded quality wise as if someone was standing a comfortable near distance to me on my right side.

My doctor and the rep went outside the building where there was a construction site nearby, road traffic, and wind. The rep walked on my left side the entire way out of the office and it felt completely comfortable after I stopped trying to turn myself so that he was on my right side. The sound filter is a little more advanced in this aid, and if the noise was behind me it was filted our significantly more than if I was facing the sound.

Using this setup will be a retraining both of my ears, as well as my habits and way of interacting with the world. Now to start saving...

Thursday, July 21, 2011

New Demo - Phonak CROS

When visiting my audiologist yesterday, she made me aware of some new revolutionary things on the market!

Due to the advances in Bluetooth technology, there are now microphones that can be worn in a 100% deaf ear that then wirelessly transmit the sounds on the deaf side of your head to the hearing aid being worn in the other ear (at least this would be the set up for my case).

While the localization will be off because all the sound will be in one ear, having the ability to capture all noises definitely impacts my ability to hear MORE, especially in situations were being oblivious to noise behind me can be a safety concern.

I'm off to demo this at the office this afternoon when the rep comes in. I'll provide me feedback and thoughts!

From the Deaf to the rest of the World

Where to begin...

I felt a little more relaxed walking into the Advanced Course having spent the weekend in the Landmark Forum which is set up in similar time style. 12-13 hour days,and now I know the break structure and that it is in fact possible to make it through the weekend.

We started off in a MUCH smaller group than the Forum - down to a quarter of the size. There were some familiar faces from my March Forum, and also from my Integrity Seminar.

Walking in, I knew the things that I was struggling with since the Forum that wouldn't quite willingly take the back seat. I was still very very angry, upset, and emotionally invested in the fact that I could not obtain my Boat Crew certification with the USCG Auxiliary that I so desperately wanted. It has been a difficult summer in that respect since I am trying other activities within the Auxiliary and before I even begin I'm writing them off because they're not what I really want to be doing.

The Advanced Course takes 3 main missions that are the structure for the conversations within the course. One of those is true Mastery of Reality. This is what sunk in with claws and never let go. This came up for me on the tail end of Friday, and continued thru Saturday and Sunday.

At the end of Saturday, I had really really come face to face with this resentment I had. And I had a choice. I had the choice to accept that this story of what was happening was adding to my inability to move forward and to accept it as it was - nothing more, nothing less.

Looking back, Of course I wasn't feeling empowered and able to inspire people. I was attempting to do that (or so I thought) and on the complete opposite end of the spectrum I had made myself out to be the victim of something beyond my control. This dichotomy was completely ruining my ability to be effective.

The moment that has changed my life forever came Sunday afternoon, just before our dinner break. The conversation had started to talk about the power of language in our shaping of the world, and our relationship to other people. I felt moved to speak and got up to share.

I shared with the group a lesser known fact of the suicide rate of deaf male teens in their college years, and the source of that suicide rate. Being deaf puts an entirely different meaning on the power of word and language.

When you have sign language, it is only effective when you have others who can speak the same language. This is not the case for the large majority of the world. When you spend your day in and day out existence in a world that you can't communicate with, your sense of existence deteriorates. You feel invisible when you look out and you see a world talking back and forth with each other and interacting. You see this and when you try to reach out and capture it, you are either ignored or left confused because you lack the pieces of the puzzle to provide meaning to the exchange.

I took my hearing aid out to give a visual representation to the group. A Black and White, Language and No Language world. I explained how when it didn't work,I feel like all of the sudden I have no meaning in my life to communicate and share myself, and my ideas.

I had no idea my sharing of this would move so many people. I had the instructors of the course telling me that it had left them speechless. We left for our meal break and I had felt like I was having an out of body experience - I couldn't feel my hands, feet, and they were tingling. My brain was just quietly frozen, sounds passing before me but a sense of subtle disattachment.

People would come up to me and address me and thank me. It blew me away that being me, EXACTLY AS I AM, no more and no less, was able to provide this breakthrough connection for people. If I had been more deaf, I would not have the ability to function at the level I do and even be in the space. If I was less deaf, I wouldn't have had the issues that made me feel so strongly about this.

When we had our Tuesday night session that was open to past graduates and guests, I shared a summary. I shared a summary that I walked in with my condition of being hearing the something that the biggest obstacle in my way to being empowered and making a difference in people's lives. I shared the point where I had the realization that in fact my burden was actually a blessing beyong belief. And how it had felt to have that realization, to speak it into the world and give it intention and a declaration that I AM AMY AND I AM ME.

I am signed up for the Self Expression and Leadership course that begins in August and part of this course is to take on a project. Not only am I taking on a project, but I think I have found that BIG PROBLEM that is worth dedicating my life for. Something that will impact my life every day for as long as I live. Something that gives me passion beyond anything I thought I was capable of containing.

I didn't get my life back through Landmark Forum. I got a new life that is capable of anything.